【Accepted】A Slight Touch through Night

我是一个相当忠实的单机游戏玩家和苹果粉丝,刚了解到这个活动的时候就觉得,it’s the time,必须要表现表现了(主要是想去Apple Park​:laughing:

最初的想法可以说和最终作品毫无关系,最开始想的是要做一种第一人称的射击模拟器。但是我觉得单单的射击模拟器没有新意,于是就想着能不能加入什么新的元素。我发呆了一会,突然想到了cyberpunk2077里的一个很有意思的桥段,主角在从荒坂大楼出去时丢失了视野,打架的时候得听声辩位。玩家们当时都觉得这很真实,以为主角的眼睛被射中了,制作公司设计此关来增加带入感。(后面发现是个bug :joy:)于是,我就觉得可以把游戏界面全部遮住,然后用各种各样的声音信息来提示玩家目标在哪,但是后来我发现这整个射击模拟器的理念相当无聊(主要是难做)




在后续的制作过程中也是相当的艰难,但是各个困难的部分都有老师在帮,感激不尽。在如此长的制作周期中,支撑我go further 的是对于Apple文化的狂热和对作品完整性的坚持(开始做了那就要做完),虽然最后没抽到会场的参会资格,但是还是有可观的收获的。从4年级以来,我一直作为一个玩家在接受厂商的作品,但是经过这3个月的努力,我至少有在开始输出自己的想法了(就像一个作家的处女座一般),这一点我觉得是最可贵的收获




Frankly speaking, I’m not that into code writing. I just started to learn how to write some programs in July of last year. Also, I was not learning Swift, but Python instead. I first got to know about this challenge nearly five months ago. Since I’m such a noob in programming, at first, I didn’t want to go on taking part in it at that time. However, there is still a motivation that kept me going forwards that this challenge was held by Apple.Inc. So, it’s clear that I’m really a believer in Apple.

How I became a fan of Apple should be traced back to about eight years ago. I read a comic book that talked about Steve Jobs. At that time, I was attracted by his legendary stories and ambitious personality even though I was very young then. Later, I started to watch some videos of Apple’s events. I heard Jobs say “The thickest part of MacBook Air is still thinner than the thinnest part of the TZ Series and then took out the first generation of MacBook Air from an envelope. The stunning scene both made me laugh a lot and shocked me a lot. I was fascinated by Jobs’s extraordinary stage performance and the advanced technological achievement of Apple. From that day on I set my mind to try to be a man like Jobs, who was confident enough and was proud to show the general public his work.

I am enthusiastic about video games, so my program is shown as a game. You may be surprised after knowing that at the very beginning, I planned to make a kind of FPS game. The play method was there will randomly occur some targets and the players should shoot and then he or she can get some points through it. However, I found it was too monotonous and this idea may be sought by previous candidates. Then I tried to add some more elements. First, I got some ideas from a single-player game, Cyberpunk 2077. There was a scene that our lead role ran out from the boss’s territory and started to combat with some enemies. At this stage, the players can see nothing but hear the sound to find where the enemies are. This inspired me and let me finish my design in a very short period. Finally, my work is to convey a 2D maze game in that you can also see nothing.

The reason why the background of the last level is former WWDC is that impressed me more than the recent ones. With every product, Apple was able to change the world or redefine a type of electronic device or service. I set it in 2010 because at that time the pattern for the lost-sight people was shown in that event. Apple, this fascinating corporation shows the world that it is the corporate culture that Apple to be Apple which is a corporate that is very different from others. Through Apple’s outlook on value, I get to know that technology can also be combined with humanistic care and spirit. Although today other brands keep following the features of Apple. They did do a good job in copying, but they will never know how and why Apple designers got the ideas to design such fantastic works and their efforts will not endow their products with an overall harmonious beauty like the works of Apple.


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